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layer 1 In a dual-layer disc, the deeper of the two layers, and the second one to be read when scanning from the beginning of the disc s data layout In the authoring process, layout occurs after multiplexing is complete and a fully qualified root structure of a disc is made This layout can be played as a disc would play, but it is not yet an image intended for replication on an optical disc LBR Low-bit-rate extension for DTS HD Audio See DTS-HD Secondary Audio LCD Liquid crystal display Flat-panel, energy-efficient displays made of thousands of tiny crystal coils that control the amount of light passing through them Used extensively on laptops A popular technology for flat-panel, widescreen, high-definition television sets lead-in The physical area 12 mm or wider preceding the data area on a disc The lead-in contains sync sectors and control data including disc keys and other information lead-out On a single-layer disc or PTP dual-layer disc, the physical area 10 mm or wider toward the outside of the disc following the data area On an OTP dual-layer disc, the physical area 12 mm or wider at the inside of the disc following the recorded data area (which is read from the outside toward the inside on the second layer) legacy A term used to describe an older format disc that can be played in newer format player, such as a CD in DVD player or a DVD in a BD player letterbox The process or form of video where black horizontal mattes are added to the top and bottom of the display area in order to create a frame in which to display video using an aspect ratio different than that of the display The letterbox method preserves the entire video picture, as opposed to pan & scan DVD-Video players can automatically letterbox an anamorphic widescreen picture for display on a standard 4:3 TV letterbox filter Circuitry in a DVD player that reduces the vertical size of anamorphic widescreen video (combining every 4 lines into 3) and adds black mattes at the top and bottom Also see filter level In MPEG-2, levels specify parameters such as resolution, bit rate, and frame rate Compare to profile line 21 The specific part of the NTSC video signal that carries the teletext information for closed captioning line doubler A video processor that doubles the number of lines in the scanning system in order to create a display with scan lines that are less visible Some line doublers convert from interlaced to progressive scan linear PCM A coded representation of digital data that is not compressed Linear PCM spreads values evenly across the range from highest to lowest, as opposed to nonlinear (companded) PCM that allocates more values to more important frequency ranges PCM is most commonly used for digital encoding of audio signals lines of horizontal resolution Sometimes abbreviated as TVL (TV lines) or LoHR A common but subjective measurement of the visually resolvable horizontal detail of an analog video system, measured in half-cycles per picture height Each cycle is a pair of vertical lines, one black and one white The measurement is usually made by viewing a test pattern to determine where the black and white lines blur into gray The resolution of VHS video is commonly gauged at 240 lines of horizontal resolution, broadcast video at 330, laserdisc at 425, and DVD at 500 to 540 Because the measurement is relative to picture height, the aspect ratio must be taken into account when determining the number of vertical units (roughly equivalent to pixels) that can be displayed across the width of the display For example, an aspect ratio of 133 multiplied by 540 gives 720 pixels Lo/Ro Left only/right only Stereo signal (no matrixed surround information) Optional downmixing output in Dolby Digital decoders Does not change phase, simply folds surround channels forward into Lf and Rf. best asp.net pdf library Convert HTML String To PDF Via iTextSharp Library And Download
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