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The MyPhotoAlbum library is ready to go. Make sure the library compiles with no errors. The next step is to make use of these changes in our MyAlbumData application. This is taken up in the next section. 17.3.3 USING EDITABLE OBJECTS Typically, you do not actually use the editable object methods directly. These are used internally by Windows Forms as required for the task at hand. In this case, our DataGrid control automatically recognizes that our PhotoAlbum object supports this interface, and calls BeginEdit whenever a user initiates a change to a row in the grid. If a user cancels an edit by pressing the Esc key, then CancelEdit is called. When the

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Removes the last element in the list Removes the first element in the list Adds an element with the value specified by val to the end of the list Adds an element with the value specified by val to the front of the list Removes elements with the value val from the list Reverses the invoking list Returns the number of elements currently in the list Sorts the list The second form sorts the list using the comparison function cmpfn to determine when one element is less than another The contents of ob are inserted into the invoking list at the location pointed to by i After the operation, ob is empty The element pointed to by el is removed from the list ob and stored in the invoking list at the location pointed to by i

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user finishes an edit by pressing the Enter key or selecting an alternate row, the EndEdit method is invoked. The EndEdit method makes the changes to the object permanent within the object itself. In most applications, there is an operation or class that coordinates the in-memory version of an object with the permanent version of an object. In our application, the in-memory version is our PhotoAlbum class, while the permanent version is our album file. The Save method updates the album file with the version in memory, while the Open method fills the in-memory version with the recorded version in the album file. This is true in the System.Data namespace as well. While we have avoided discussing this namespace in any real depth, it is useful to understand how the classes in this namespace relate to our discussion. The abstract DataAdaptor class is the coordinator between the in-memory version of the database, typically a DataSet instance, and the permanent version is an external database. The DataAdaptor class provides a Fill method to populate a DataSet with the external values, and an Update method to save modifications in the DataSet into the external database. For our purposes, we have provided the HasEdits method in our in-memory objects in order to identify whether any changes must be saved into the album file. We can do this in the SelectedIndexChanged event handler before the new album is bound to our data grid. The following table details the steps required to save our PhotoAlbum instance into its associated album file:


Table 27-3

Set the version number of the MyAlbumData application to 17 .3. SAVE A MODIFIED ALBUM Action 1 In the MainForm.cs window, create a new SaveChanges method to store any changes to the displayed album into the album file.

Some Commonly Used list Member Functions (continued)

template <class InIter>list(InIter start, InIter end, const Allocator &a = Allocator( )); The first form constructs an empty list The second form constructs a list that has num elements with the value val, which can be allowed to default The third form constructs a list that contains the same elements as ob The fourth form constructs a list that contains the elements in the range specified by the iterators start and end The following comparison operators are defined for list: ==, <, <=, !=, >, >= Some of the commonly used list member functions are shown in Table 27-3 Like a vector, an element may be put into a list by using the push_back( ) function You can put an element on the front of the list by using push_front( ) An element can also be inserted into the middle of a list by using insert( ) Two lists may be joined using splice( ) One list may be merged into another using merge( )

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Show PDF in browser instead of downloading (ASP.NET MVC ...
4 Sep 2017 ... If I want to display a PDF file in the browser instead of downloading a ... tell the browser via an additional Content-Disposition response header.

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MVC to PDF Converter. # C# MVC HTML to PDF Generator for ASP.NET Applications; # Print MVC View to Return PDF File; # Supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ...
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